Monday, January 8, 2018

Meal Plan Monday #250

We are way behind on meal plans. With semester exams, holidays, travel, and all, we didn't do a lot of meal planning, but now we're back in the grind! This semester, Darren and I have different late days at work. It's harder on us, but it makes things easier on Halley pup - we try to consider all family members when making big decisions.

Two semesters ago, when we both got home late on Wednesdays, Halley was unhappy. She was off schedule and anxious. This semester, we trying late nights on different days, so she's never just home alone in the evenings. I hope it helps her be less anxious. She's a good dog friend, and her health and safety are important to me.

Sunday:  Macaroni and Cheese (with MSU edam) and Roasted Vegetables

Monday:  Hamburgers and Chips

Tuesday:  Ham, Corn Pudding, and Green Beans

Wednesday: Darren's Fried Rice

Thursday:  Lib's Chef Salad

Friday:  Date Night! Lib's Pick!

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