Monday, January 6, 2020

Meal Plan Monday #320

Happy 2020! I have thoroughly enjoyed my two weeks off! I am not excited to go back to work, but I know I will enjoy seeing everyone once I get there. It's a new semester, so we've got a new schedule to get used to. I hope it doesn't take too long to adjust. I'm looking forward to teaching my favorite class this semester. I hope it goes well!

Sunday:  Sliced Baked Potatoes with Cheese, Roasted Brussels Sprouts, and Salad

Monday:  Cheesy Stuffed Peppers (I'm going to cook the spinach with onions and mushrooms) and Salad

Tuesday:  Vegetarian Peanut Noodles

Wednesday:  Tutorial Night Takeout

Thursday:  Quinoa Broccoli Bake, Salad, and Cheese Bread

Friday:  Date Night! Lib's Pick!

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