Saturday, August 31, 2013

Shap Shot Saturday

My little buddy has been gone for two months, and I still miss her sweet face. I even miss puppy kisses given with the worst breath imaginable. These are some of the last photos we took with her. I read an article about saying good-bye to an ailing pet, and it suggested taking lots of pictures. It went on to say, "When you think you have taken enough, take some more." I would pass on this advice for anyone that you love. Tell them that you love them, and make memories with them.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Meal Plan Monday #61

We've got a three day weekend coming up, so we are planning on celebrating! Plus, Ole Miss plays Vanderbilt on Thursday, and the AZ Ole Miss Club is having a watch party here in Phoenix! I hope your week is great!

Sunday: Spinach Ricotta Pasta with Grilled Chicken and Salad

Monday: Crock-Pot Baked Beans with Pulled Pork and Biscuits

Tuesday: Fish Tacos with Cabbage and Avocado

Wednesday: Breakfast for Dinner! Breakfast Burritos

Thursday: Ole Miss Party!

Friday: Date Night! Lib's Pick!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Throwback Thursday

I graduated from Ole Miss twice. This is my daddy and me just after my M.A. graduation.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Meal Plan Monday #60

Week two of school has begun! So far, things are going well. My schedule this year is very different, so hopefully, I will adjust to it soon.

Sunday: Green Curry with Chicken and Rice Stick

Monday: Jambalaya with Conecuh Sausage and Spinach Salad

Tuesday: Chef or Antipasta Salad and Rolls

Wednesday: Papa Murphy's Pizza and Fruit Salad

Thursday: Bacon Cheeseburger Sliders (based on this recipe) and Sweet Potato Fries

Friday: Date Night! Darren's Pick!

Saturday: All-SEC Kick-off Party!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Snap Shot Saturday

One day during our vacation, we took the tram up to the top of Rendezvous Mountain. I happened to run into an old work friend and collaborator of mine on the tram. 
 It was so windy up there, we could hardly keep our eyes open.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Throwback Thursday

This is a kitten I found at the old James' Food Center just north of the Square in Oxford. I only had him for a very brief time before finding a home for him. I'm not really a cat lover, but he was too adorable to leave behind a dumpster for predators to eat...

Monday, August 12, 2013

Meal Plan Monday #59

I am glad to be home, but work starts up this week. Still, I like having a schedule.

Sunday: Salmon with Rice and Salad

Monday: Bulgogi with PW's Sesame Noodles

Tuesday: Fish Tacos with Cabbage and Avocado

Wednesday: Broiled Sandwiches with Guacamole and Chips

Thursday: Darren's Fried Rice with Stir Fried Vegetables

Friday: Date Night! Lib's Pick!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Throwback Thursday

This is Ralph the day I brought her home from the shelter. She was a cutie! She had lost most of her brown by the time she got older. I miss her.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Meal Plan Monday #58

This week, I'm not doing an actual meal plan until we get a new refrigerator. The compressor in our refrigerator stopped working, and we took all the freezer food to a friend's house to stay frozen. We should get our new refrigerator delivered on Tuesday, but until then, I'm not really sure what we'll be eating.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Snap Shot Saturday: Birthday Edition

Me and my very first friend, the best brother in the world! Happy birthday, Michael!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Throwback Thursday

Since I am no longer doing Woof Wednesdays, I decided to do another photo feature. There will, of course, be some pictures of Ralph. We go way back after sharing 13 years of life together. But I will make an effort to use pictures that capture all different parts of my life.
This is Graceland, Too. It is perhaps one of the most frightening places on Earth. It is one man's collection of Elvis memorabilia housed in Holly Springs, Mississippi. This picture is from a visit in 2002, I think; although, I don't imagine it has changed much.